Fate and
Effects (CAFE)
An aquatic toxicity tool.
×Welcome to CAFE. This program was developed by the Emergency Response Division (ERD) at NOAA as a tool to aid responders
in their assessment of the environmental impacts from spills into aquatic environments in situations where critical decisions
need to be made within a few hours after a spill occurs. CAFE is used by the NOAA Scientific Support Coordinators and ERD scientists
to assist in their understanding of the fate of spilled chemicals, and the potential effects on aquatic receptors.
The user should consult the original data source to ensure an understanding of the context of the data retrieved
from CAFE. Data interpretation is your sole responsibility. Although every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of
data entry, CAFE may contain undetected errors. Please notify us of any data inaccuracies, errors or misinterpretations.
Reference in CAFE to commercial products, processes, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or
otherwise, does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the U.S. government.
The U.S. government does not warrant or assume any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness,
or usefulness of any information, product, or process disclosed.
×Dispersant only database help
Select the dispersant only scenario to view effects data of a dispersant (e.g. Corexit 9500). Fate information is not available for dispersants.
×Oil only database help
Select the oil only to view effects data of an oil (e.g. Alaska North Slope crude). Fate information is available in NOAA’s Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills.
×Dispersant Oil database help
Select this scenario to view effects data of an oil and dispersant mixture (e.g. Alaska North Slope crude + Corexit 9500). Fate information is not available for chemically dispersed oil.
×Surface Washing Agents database help
Select this scenario to view effects data of a surface washing agent (e.g. Cytosol). Fate information is not available for chemically dispersed oil.
×Surface Washing Agent Oils database help
Select this scenario to view effects data of a surface washing agent and oil (e.g. Cytosol and Diesel No. 2). Fate information is not available for chemically dispersed oil.
×Fire Fighting Foam database help
Select this scenario to view effects data for some AFFF Fire Fighting Foams (e.g. Buckeye AFFF). Fate information is not available for fire fighting foams.
Search existing data, (use links on the left sidebar).
CAFE contains six databases.
You can choose a material from one of the databases to find out the following:
Show detailed toxicity information for thousands of chemicals or hundreds of oils and dispersants.
Create a customized output graph of your data.
Saved Chemicals or Oils and Dispersants
Save a list of chemicals or dispersants. Compare the output graphs of different materials,
or the same material with different parameters.
Fate(for chemical only)
View descriptive information, physical property data and environmental fate information
for your selected chemical.
ICE Modeling
Add predicted data to help generate ssd curves.
×Dispersant only database help
Select the dispersant only scenario to view effects data of a dispersant (e.g. Corexit 9500). Fate information is not available for dispersants.
×Oil only database help
Select the oil only to view effects data of an oil (e.g. Alaska North Slope crude). Fate information is available in NOAA’s Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills.
×Dispersant Oil database help
Select this scenario to view effects data of an oil and dispersant mixture (e.g. Alaska North Slope crude + Corexit 9500). Fate information is not available for chemically dispersed oil.
×Surface Washing Agents database help
Select this scenario to view effects data of a surface washing agent (e.g. Cytosol). Fate information is not available for chemically dispersed oil.
×Surface Washing Agent Oils database help
Select this scenario to view effects data of a surface washing agent and oil (e.g. Cytosol and Diesel No. 2). Fate information is not available for chemically dispersed oil.
×Fire Fighting Foam database help
Select this scenario to view effects data for some AFFF Fire Fighting Foams (e.g. Buckeye AFFF). Fate information is not available for fire fighting foams.
You can choose a material from one of the databases to find out the following:
Show detailed toxicity information for thousands of chemicals or hundreds of oils and dispersants.
Create a customized output graph of your data.
Saved Chemicals or Oils and Dispersants
Save a list of chemicals or dispersants. Compare the output graphs of different materials,
or the same material with different parameters.
Fate(for chemical only)
View descriptive information, physical property data and environmental fate information
for your selected chemical.
ICE Modeling
Add predicted data to help generate ssd curves.
The mobile site has a few limitations. See the full site for documentation, to print reports, or to import/export data.
CAFE Program links Web site owner:
Chemical Aquatic Fate and Effects (CAFE). Version 4.0.1 (2025-01-07).
Fate and
Effects (CAFE)
An aquatic toxicity tool.
×Dispersant only database help
Select the dispersant only scenario to view effects data of a dispersant (e.g. Corexit 9500). Fate information is not available for dispersants.
×Oil only database help
Select the oil only to view effects data of an oil (e.g. Alaska North Slope crude). Fate information is available in NOAA’s Automated Data Inquiry for Oil Spills.
×Dispersant Oil database help
Select this scenario to view effects data of an oil and dispersant mixture (e.g. Alaska North Slope crude + Corexit 9500). Fate information is not available for chemically dispersed oil.
×Surface Washing Agents database help
Select this scenario to view effects data of a surface washing agent (e.g. Cytosol). Fate information is not available for chemically dispersed oil.
×Surface Washing Agent Oils database help
Select this scenario to view effects data of a surface washing agent and oil (e.g. Cytosol and Diesel No. 2). Fate information is not available for chemically dispersed oil.
×Fire Fighting Foam database help
Select this scenario to view effects data for some AFFF Fire Fighting Foams (e.g. Buckeye AFFF). Fate information is not available for fire fighting foams.
You can choose a material from one of the databases to find out the following:
Show detailed toxicity information for thousands of chemicals or hundreds of oils and dispersants.
Create a customized output graph of your data.
Saved Chemicals or Oils and Dispersants
Save a list of chemicals or dispersants. Compare the output graphs of different materials,
or the same material with different parameters.
Fate(for chemical only)
View descriptive information, physical property data and environmental fate information
for your selected chemical.
ICE Modeling
Add predicted data to help generate ssd curves.
The mobile site has a few limitations. See the full site for documentation, to print reports, or to import/export data.
CAFE Program links Web site owner:
Chemical Aquatic Fate and Effects (CAFE). Version 4.0.1 (2025-01-07).